
Sunday, August 14, 2016

The Week of August 14th

Weekly Newsletter

We had an exciting week in Room 21! On Wednesday, we received our new rug, which was donated to the class by several donors on the website Donors Choose. The students made thank you cards for the donors who were kind enough to help us get this much needed rug. We also received boxes on Friday from another Donors Choose project that was funded last year. The students are going to be surprised on Monday morning when they get to see our new materials in action! 

MAP and SRI Testing- 2nd and 3rd grade students have begun MAP (Math) and SRI (Reading) testing. We will continue to test students this week. We use these tests to guide our instruction so that students are met with a curriculum that suits their needs. We want to meet students where they are academically, as well as socially. Students (especially 2nd graders) are not expected to meet the benchmarks at the beginning of the year. We will be guiding them through direct instruction and they will practice skills which will help them to master the necessary standards to meet the benchmarks by the end of the year. 

DIBELS and Fry Word Testing- 1st grade students will be tested using DIBELS for both Math and Reading. 1st grade students have seen these tests before and should be well acquainted with them. 

Reading Nightly- Your student should be reading nightly. This is key to having a foundation in place that we will build on in the classroom. Reading with a parent or sibling  is such an important part of this learning process, especially if you have a student that is not reading yet! 

Field Trip Forms- Thank you to the families that have already returned the field trip forms for the year. Several field trip packets were sent back to school without funds. We are collecting $10 for each student to cover the cost of all of our field trips for the year. If you did not send in $10 with your field trip packet, please send it in to school in a sealed envelope with your student. If it would be a financial burden for your family to send in $10 at this time, just email me and we discuss other options for your family.

WISH LIST- plastic forks and spoons

 Dates to Remember:

8/26         Fall Picture Day-Free Dress Up Day!
8/30         Parent Education-Cosmic and Cultural Education in the Lower                             Elementary Classroom-5:30 Media Center
8/30         PTA 6:30 Multipurpose Room
8/31         Maria Montessori's Birthday!

9/5           School Holiday- Labor Day
9/21         International Peace Day-Sing Along
9/22         Fall Equinox
9/30         Dress Down Day $1- Lymphoma (Proceeds to benefit Wyatt Rath)

10/18       Parent Education 5:30 PTA 6:30
10/24-28  Great Pumpkin Book Characters (Media Center)
10/28       Dress Down Day $1-Ellis Athletics Program
10/31       Halloween

Upcoming HEALTHY snack weeks for 22 students: 
Some suggestions for snack are: precut fruit (apples, grapes, bananas cut in half, oranges, etc.), precut vegetables with hummus for dipping, cheese and crackers, granola bars or chewies, trail mix, applesauce, hummus and crackers, yogurt or Gogurt, graham crackers…  The purpose of snack is to provide a nutritious energy booster when the students need it.  Please keep in mind the nutritional value when choosing a snack.  

8/15   Bradaya
8/22   Cori
8/29   Shelby
9/6     Jaylen

This Week's Lessons : (students continue to work on previous lessons)

Writing Across the Curriculum
Parts of SpeechNonfiction Reading  
Cursive Letters L and T
Journal Writing

Golden Beads Addition
Golden Beads Division
Stamp Game +x-/
Properties of Multiplication

Geometric Shapes- Faces, Vertices 

Months of the Year

Social Studies:
South America
Ancient Greece

Practical Life:
Waste Management

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